Most teams can find topics relevant to their development from the list below. However, the strength of humanfusion is the creative process. Any workshop topic you want your leaders trained on can be easily constructed with a few simple questions.
- Building and Leading Effective Teams
- Principles of Time Management and Prioritization
- Drive: Know What Motivates Your People
- The Manager’s Job: Folklore and Fact
- Performance Management: The Key to Employee Development
- Giving Praise and Recognition: Using the Losada Ratio to Your Advantage
- MBWA: Management by Walking Around
- Introduction to Coaching Principles
- *Constructive Conflict: Dealing with Challenging Employees
- *SWOT Analysis: How to Understand Your Department and Next Actions
- Giving and Receiving Feedback: The Power of the Johari Window
- Strategic Elements: How to Integrate Mission, Vision and Core Values
- The Performance Review System: Making Daily Progress
- Motivational Management: The Service-Profit Chain Audit
- *Five Absolutes for Getting Results (Ross School of Business; University of Michigan)
- Corporate Service Intelligence: Extracting the Best Data from Your People
- *Management Assimilation (useful when a manager is not performing well and drastic measures need to be taken)
- *What Makes a Leader? Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- *Managers and Leaders: Are They Different?
- Alignment: Ensuring Momentum from the Bottom to the Top
- Communication: The Heart of Leadership
- Leading Effective Meetings
- Servant Leadership: The Nature of Legitimate Power and Greatness
- The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time
- The Science of Decision-Making: Choosing the Best Course of Action
- The Five Practices and Ten Commitments of Leadership
- The Four Fatal Flaws of Strategic Planning
- 7 Daily Wins: Orchestrating a Successful Day
Best Books Workshops
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni)
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)
- Leading Change (Kotter)
- Good to Great (Collins)
- The Leadership Challenge (Kouzes / Posner)
- 12 Elements of Great Managing (Wagner / Harter)
- Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim / Mauborgne)
Employee Development / Personal Mastery
- Proactivity: How to Take Personal Responsibility for Your Development
- Begin With the End in Mind: How to Develop Vision
- First Things First: A Guide to Prioritizing Your Week
- Introduction to Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Principles of Self-Awareness (can be a standalone workshop)
- Principles of Self-Management (can be a standalone workshop)
- Principles of Organizational Awareness (can be a standalone workshop)
- Principles of Organizational Management (can be a standalone workshop)
- Workflow Management: Optimizing Your Environment for Maximum Productivity
- *Team Strength: Harnessing the Personality of Your Team (Winslow Behavioral Profile; includes the additional cost of the profile)
- Time Mapping: Organize Using the Most of Your Brain
*Includes fieldwork prior to workshop (i.e., interview, assessment, etc.)